Keep Your Shoulders Strong and Healthy

Keep Your Shoulders Strong and Healthy

Our shoulders are the most mobile joints in our body, allowing us to perform a wide variety of movements. However, this mobility also makes them vulnerable to injury, so it’s essential to take good care of them.

Stretching and strengthening the muscles around your shoulder joints are key to maintaining their health and function. Exercises will help keep the shoulders stable, correct muscle imbalances, and protect against injuries during daily activities like lifting, reaching, or carrying. For athletes, strong and flexible shoulders enhance performance, support powerful movements, and prevent injuries in sports.

Try These Simple Shoulder Exercises:

Scapular Retraction: pull shoulder blades in and down. Hold for 5 seconds repeat 10 times.

Push Up Plus (at wall, counter or ground – varying difficulties)
Do a push up, then at the end continue to push out through your mid back so that your shoulder blades pull away from your spine. Then reset to start position and repeat. 10 reps

Shoulder External Rotation with Theraband
Elbow tucked into side, bent to 90 degrees, holding theraband. Pull away from your body rotating your upper arm (humerus) outwards as shown to work the rotator cuff muscles. 10 reps x 3.

Doorway Pec Stretch
Stand in door frame with elbows bent to 90 degrees and forearms against door frame. Step through the doorframe with one leg until you feel a stretch at the front of the chest/shoulders. Hold for 30 sec, repeat 3 timeLateral raises and external rotations with a resistance band.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can keep your shoulders healthy, strong, and ready for whatever life—or sport—throws your way!