At ZerOne Athleticare, we strive to provide transparent and accessible information about the coverage and payment options available to our clients.

Understanding what is covered by Alberta Health, what may require out-of-pocket payment, and how third-party insurance and Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) claims work can help you make informed decisions about your care.

Alberta Health Coverage

Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) covers a range of medical services, but it is important to note that coverage is primarily for services provided by a physician or a hospital. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Physician Consultations: Visits to a physician for medical consultations, diagnosis, and treatment are generally covered by Alberta Health. This includes consultations with specialists referred by your family doctor.
  • Diagnostic Imaging: X-rays, ultrasounds, and other imaging services required by your physician for diagnosis are typically covered when referred by a doctor.

However, certain Allied Health services and specialized treatments offered at ZerOne Athleticare may not be covered under AHCIP.

Athleticare Services Not Covered by Alberta Health

The following services typically require out-of-pocket payments or coverage through third-party insurance providers:

  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Alberta Health only covers physical therapy for specific cases, such as post-hospitalization, and even then, only at designated facilities. For most other physical therapy needs, coverage is not provided, and payment must be made directly or through insurance.
  • Massage Therapy: Alberta Health does not cover massage therapy services. Many clients use private insurance or pay out-of-pocket for these services.
  • Psychology and Mental Health Services: While some mental health services are covered by Alberta Health when provided by a physician or psychiatrist, many services, including those offered by psychologists or other mental health professionals, require payment through insurance or out-of-pocket.
  • Registered Dietitian Consultation: ZerOne Athleticare dietitians provide unique services, such as: individual or family counselling, custom menu plans, as well as tailored programs towards the goal of timely, innovative, personalized care. These services may be paid for through private insurance, employee assistance programs, discretionary wellness funds and/or directly by the patient.

Third-Party Insurance Coverage

  • Many of our clients at ZerOne Athleticare have access to extended health benefits through their employer or private insurance plans. These plans often cover services, such as:
  • Physical Therapy
  • Massage Therapy
  • Psychological Services
  • Registered Dietitian Consultation

Coverage varies depending on your insurance provider and plan, so it’s important to review your policy or contact your insurance provider to understand what is covered. We can also assist you in submitting claims to your insurance company.

Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) Coverage

If you have been injured at work, WCB may cover the cost of your treatment. ZerOne Athleticare works with WCB to provide comprehensive care for workplace injuries, including:

  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Covered by WCB when related to a workplace injury.
  • Diagnostic Imaging: Covered if required for your claim.
  • Specialized Medical Consultations: Coverage provided for consultations related to your workplace injury.

To access WCB coverage, you must file a claim through your employer, and the injury must be verified as work-related. Every worker with WCB coverage is entitled to an assessment and first treatment (same day) of their injury. WCB will pay for this first treatment whether the claim has been approved by WCB or not. Once your claim is approved, WCB will authorize further sessions of treatment as well as allowances for therapeutic equipment

Please contact us and we can help guide you through this process to ensure you receive the care you need.

Contact Us for More Information

Understanding your coverage options can be complex. Our administrative team is here to help you navigate your options and answer any questions you may have about payments and coverage. Please contact your insurance provider to determine your available benefits, limits, and renewal timelines. Due to privacy legislation, our office cannot contact your insurance provider on your behalf.